Terms and Conditions

Subject to the Rules, By-Law s and Regulations of the Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Society’s Inc. (QCAS) and the Society relevant to this schedule, the follow ing General Regulations shall apply. Where there is a conflict between these regulations and the regulations and rules of the local Agricultural Society, the rules of the Affiliated Agricultural Society prevail.


    1. All affiliated Queensland agricultural shows are conducted subject to the rules of the Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Societies Inc (QCAS), the constitution and rules of this Society, and any other special regulations which appear  within the schedule.

    2. Affiliated agricultural societies may, as required, supplement these regulations with their ow n special regulations ensuring they are consistent with QCAS regulations.

    3. The attention of Exhibitors is draw n to the fact that entries are accepted subject to the Rules, By-Law s and Regulations of QCAS and the society relevant to this schedule, in addition to any special regulations which appear in this schedule. Copies of the Rules and By-Lawsmay be obtained upon application to QCAS or the society relevant to this schedule.

    4. No refunds will be made after close of entry.

    5. Prize money must be collected on the days of the show. The society will not take responsibility for any Pavilion entries not collected by the specified dates in the entry pack and schedule


    1. Judging will be performed by a Judge or panel of Judges appointed by the Society.

    2. In the event of the Judge deciding that the exhibits in any Class are not worthy of a prize, no prize w ill be awarded.

    3. It is considered good ethics that if a Junior Judge or Associate Judge has been judging in his/her own right at any affiliated Agricultural Show , they are not eligible to enter the Young Judges competition at that Show , BUT they can still enter at another Show where they are not acting in a judging roll.

    4. No Exhibitor or members of the Exhibitor’s immediate family or employed by the Exhibitor shall approach a Judge with regard to a decision made by the Judge unless they first obtain permission from the Committee person in charge or Steward of the Section.


    1. No person under disqualification recognised by theSociety may exhibit or compete.

    2. Entries for the upcoming Agricultural Show relevant to this schedule can be made as described for each section in the schedule. Entries submitted other than on the correct form or online w ill be returned to the Exhibitor and, unless all requirements are complied with, and the forms returned to the Agricultural Society office by completion of business on the closing date, as shown in this Schedule, they w ill not be considered.

    3. Not withstanding the provisions of General Regulation 3.2 above, late entries may be accepted at the discretion of the Section Chief Steward.

    4. Entries are accepted subject to the Rules, By-Laws andRegulations of the Society, in addition to any SpecialRegulations, which appear in the Schedule.

    5. Exhibitors whose entries have not been accepted shall be advised accordingly and entry fees refunded.

    6. The exhibitor irrevocably consents to the Society publishing or reproducing in any manner whatsoever any particulars or information in relation to their exhibits; the publication or reproduction may be in a printed form or visual image through electronic means and/or on the internet.

    7. Whilst all reasonable care is taken, the affiliatedAgricultural Society cannot accept any responsibility forany losses and/or damage or injury to or by any livestock exhibits, equipment, vehicles or any other property or person whilst on the Show ground’s.

    8. Any persons causing a nuisance by loud comments, or the decision of the Judges or of otherwise unseemly behaviour will after being cautioned, be expelled from the show grounds, and in the case of exhibitors, be liable for disqualification.


    1. All QCAS affiliated agricultural societies have developed a comprehensive Agricultural Show Biosecurity Plan and all event organisers, competitors and spectators have a joint responsibility to ensure the successful implementation of a biosecurity plan.


    1. The information provided by exhibitors is used by QCAS and the society relevant to this schedule to organise, process and conduct competitions at the relevant agricultural show , sub chamber and state finals. By entering such competitions you consent to their personal information being used for this purpose including this information being made available to sponsors, breed associations, the media, the public, promotional purposes, archival purposes, published in publications and could be made available to other third parties for the purpose of promoting the Queensland agricultural show movement, or as otherwise required by law .


    1. All QCAS affiliated society’s show ground’s are designated workplaces within the meaning of the workplace Health and Safety Act 2011 and exhibitors / competitors are required to ensure that they and all persons under their direction or control, including their contractors or sub-contractors, comply with all requirements of the Act and QCAS holds each exhibitor responsible to discharge its obligations to provide and maintain a safe place and system of work during occupation by the exhibitor/competitor of any area of the affiliated Agricultural Society’s Show ground’s.

    2. Each exhibitor/competitor w ill assess the risk to themselves, staff , family, volunteers, other exhibitors, agricultural society staff, show visitors, children and any person foreseeably affected by the presentation of their exhibit.

    3. Risks identified by exhibitors/competitors will be eliminated or controlled by the exhibitor/competitor and particular attention will be paid to ensuring public safety and safety of other exhibitors/competitors.

    4. Exhibits will only be held & handled by competent persons whose experience is known to the Exhibitor/Competitor.

    5. Exhibitors/competitors are advised that the use of primus stoves, any heating or lighting appliances of a like character, or any naked light, is strictly prohibited in pavilions or any other building or area defined by the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service.

    6. Any exhibitors/competitors intending to bring electrical equipment to the Show ground’s will be required to ensure that such equipment is fitted with earth leakage circuit breakers / residual current protection and that all electrical leads, tools and appliances have been inspected by a licensed electrical contractor and currently tagged. This is essential for the safety of all exhibitors and the general public AND is a requirement of the current Electrical Safety Regulations.

    7. The use of double adaptors is prohibited and all pow er boards must also be tested and tagged.

    8. All exhibitors/competitors w ill comply with the requirements of the Act and its Regulations and Standards in every other respect. This is essential for the safety of all exhibitors / competitors and the general public. The Act imposes very severe penalties in the event of noncompliance with its provisions. Any exhibitors/ competitors who do not comply will not be allowed to exhibit at QCAS affiliated Shows.


    1. The information contained in the Competitions Schedule/Catalogue is gathered for the purpose of providing information to Exhibitors and show patrons. The information is a compilation of information provided by third parties and QCAS and affiliated Agricultural Society’s does not w arrant its accuracy and advises that any such information may be subject to change or amendment occurring at any time and thereby making the information incorrect. Subject to QCAS legal obligations and responsibilities, if you require confirmation of any information please contact the QCAS Office.


    1. The Australian Taxation Office has deemed that GST is payable on prizes if an Exhibitor is registered for GST and enters an Exhibit as part of a business enterprise.

    2. The information an Exhibitor provides on the Application for Entry determines whether GST is applicable.

    3. Any prize stated in this Schedule does not include GST.

    4. GST will not apply:

      1. If an Exhibitor enters an Exhibit as a hobby or private recreational pursuit; or

      2. If an Exhibitor enters an Exhibit as part of a business enterprise, the Exhibitor has an ABN, but the Exhibitor is NOT REGISTERED for GST.

    5. If an Exhibitor enters an Exhibit as part of a business enterprise, the Exhibitor is not entitled to an ABN as the business or enterprise is not operating in Australia.

    6. GST w ill apply if an Exhibitor enters an Exhibit as part of a business enterprise, the Exhibitor has an ABN, and the Exhibitor is REGISTERED for GST.

    7. Where GST applies, the Society w ill pay the prize money quoted in this Schedule plus 10% GST. The Society w ill issue a recipient created tax invoice.


    1. A protest against a Judge's Award must:-

      1. be in writing addressed to the Secretary, and signed by the person lodging the protest;

      2. be lodged by delivery to the Secretary's Office within twenty-four hours of the making of the Award;

      3. give the name and address of the person lodging the protest, and w here two or more persons join in the protest, state which one of those persons is authorised to receive correspondence or notices on behalf of all;

      4. set out in reasonable detail particulars of the matter complained of including but not necessarily limited to the number of the Class and the Award protested against;

      5. be accompanied by a deposit of $50.


    1. If the Disciplinary Committee considers that there has been a breach of the rules, By-law s or regulations of the Society, it may impose such a penalty as it considers to be appropriate, including without limitation:

      1. reprimand;

      2. a monetary fine (payable at such time/s as the Disciplinary Committee may determine);

      3. withdrawal or withholding of any award or ribbon;

      4. disqualification in respect of any class;

      5. expulsion from the Show ground;

      6. where the person concerned is a member, a suspension or termination of that membership;

      7. a ban;

      8. exclusion;

      9. prohibiting a Person from exhibiting or competing at the current Show or at any future Show ;

      10. a direction that an Exhibit be removed from the Show ground;

      11. any other mandatory requirement; and

      12. any other penalty provided for in other regulations of the Society.

    2. There shall be no appeal from any decision of the Disciplinary Committee.

    3. The Association may publish to:

      1. all Agricultural Societies in Queensland;

      2. the Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Societies

      3. the relevant Breed Societies;

      4. the body with which the exhibit is registered, or is eligible for registration; the result of any proceedings before the Disciplinary Committee in which a person has been found guilty of a breach of any Rule, By-Law or Regulation.

    4. The Society shall have no liability to any person in respect of any publication referred to above.

    5. No person shall have any claim against the Society or against any Committee member, member, employee, volunteer or agent of the Society in respect of any act, matter or thing done in good faith during or in connection with the proceedings before the Disciplinary Committee.


Subject to the Rules and By-Laws of the above Society and the Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Societies, I make the following entries for your forthcoming Show, the same being my bonafide property and I agree to accept the decision of the Committee as final, in case of dispute.

By Lodging this form, I agree to and accept the conditions and rules of The Maleny Show Society. Exhibits should bear a brand which must be stated on this form to agree with that on the exhibit. Exhibitors are especially requested to pay particular attention to state the correct date of birth and section and correct class number. I declare that my plants and produce are disease free at time of entry.

Every care will be taken of exhibits, but no responsibility for loss or damage can be accepted | Prize money must be collected during either Show day (from 9:00am until office close).

All Competitors and exhibitors must pay gate admission.

REFUND POLICY: In case of a total event cancellation, refunds will be provided to patrons who have purchased tickets for the cancelled event.  The Maleny Agricultural Show will not be cancelled unless directed to do so by Qld Health to comply with any current Covid-19 restrictions or any other government directives.

If your membership application is declined by the committee, then any paid fees will be refunded.

In this Waiver, Release & Acknowledgement Form “The Society” means and includes:

All affiliated entities:

  • Servants or agents of the Maleny Show Society and/or all affiliated entities;

  • Employees of the Maleny Show Society and/or all affiliated entities;

  • Members of the Maleny Show Society and/or all affiliated entities;

  • Volunteers of the Maleny Show Society and/or all affiliated entities;

By participating in/attending the (hereafter referred to as participating) Maleny Agricultural Show:

  1. I acknowledge that it is a condition of participating on these grounds that I do so at my own risk. I accept all risks and release the Maleny Show Society Inc. and any person or body directly or indirectly associated with the Event, from all claims demands and proceedings arising out of or connected with my participation in the Event and indemnify them against all liability for all injury, loss or damage to myself or my property arising out of or connected with my participation in the Event. This release continues forever and binds all of my heirs, successors, executors, personal representatives and assigns.

  2. I acknowledge that it is a condition of participating in the Event that the Society and any person or body directly or indirectly associated with the Event are absolved from all liability however arising for injury or damage to myself or my property howsoever caused arising out of participation in such activities whatsoever whether due to any negligent act, breach of duty, default and / or omission on the part of the Society and any person or body directly or indirectly associated with such activities or otherwise.

  3. I acknowledge that any person participating in the Event is only allowed to do so on the distinct understanding that they do so at their own risk.

  4. I acknowledge that participating in the event may involve a real risk of serious injury or even death from various causes. I accept all risks necessarily flowing from participating in such activities.

  5. I acknowledge that the Society relies on the information provided by me and state that all such information is accurate and complete.

  6. I acknowledge the difficulties of participating in the Event and warrant that I am physically fit to participate in the Event and that I have not been advised otherwise by a qualified medical practitioner. I acknowledge that I must disclose any pre-existing medical or other condition that may affect the risk that either myself or any other person will suffer injury, loss or damage.

  7. I acknowledge that it is a condition of participating in the Event that I follow the instructions of the Society and any person directly or indirectly associated with the Event at all I indemnify and keep indemnified the Society and any person or body directly or indirectly associated with the Event from all claims, demands and proceedings arising out of or connected with a failure by me to comply with rules and/or directions given to me by the Society and any person or body directly or indirectly associated with the Event.

  8. I indemnify and keep indemnified the Society and any person or body directly or indirectly associated with the Event, against all claims made by any other person for injury or damage howsoever caused arising out of participation in the Event whether due to any negligent act, breach of duty, default and/or omission on the part of the Society and any person or body directly or indirectly associated with such activities, or otherwise.

  9. I agree and consent to my personal information and photography of myself and family being utilised for current and future competitions and promotions by the promoters and exhibitors of the show unless I state otherwise.

  10. I agree and consent to, for promotional purposes, you are providing the information I have entered into any electronic form on your site to entities/businesses attached, related, affiliated or associated to the show, including but not limited to the event organiser, presenters’ sponsors, exhibitors and suppliers.

  11. Your tickets for entry to the event will be delivered electronically via email. You are required to print these or bring them on your phone or device to the show so we can scan you in at the entry.

  12. If there are any processing or credit card fees, these will be calculated and shown to you during purchase.

  13. Please Note that as a condition of entry, all Children must be accompanied by an Adult at all times.


Download your own copy of the Terms and Conditions here.